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    If you have any difficulties with Light & Dark, please take the
    following steps:

    Read this manual carefully! Take special note of those sections that
    could help you in solving your problems.

    Look at the README file on the distribution disk.

    If Light & Dark should not behave properly, first please take a close
    look at your Printer Definition File.

    If you, finally, cannot overcome the difficulty on your own, you
    can contact our customer support in one of the two following ways:

       If you have a Compuserve account, you can send E-mail to
       ID 70143,1667 (Michael Kocum)

       or fax your message to +43/1/214 38 29

       or send a MHS-Email to MICHAEL @ DEMK (via CSERV or NHUB)

       or mail it to  DataEnter
                      Michael Kocum
                      Taborstrasse 27/23
                      A-1020 Vienna

    If you contact us, please do not forget to inform us which types
    of printers cannot be driven by Light & Dark.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson